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Our Global Network of Accredited Partners




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Accredited Partners - Sydney, Australia

Pauline Triggiani - Director of Priority People

We specialise in corporate cultures that focus on the customer and mastery in leadership. We are committed to working with individuals, teams and organisations to create better outcomes for everyone. Using evidence based approaches we fast track understandings on more effective ways to work with the people who surround us that improve performance and create benefits for the business and its customers.

Alex Allwood - CEO of All Work Together

Our purpose is connecting customer and culture to create experiences that enhance value and distinctively differentiate.

Kate Messenger - Director of Meme Partners

Meme's employee engagement programs recognise shifting mindsets and leverage new technologies to create culture change. Our results are measurable in improved employee motivation and performance, better customer experiences, and stronger brands and businesses. 

Peter Strohkorb - CEO and Smarketing Expert

We have a proven methodology to first assess a client organisation's internal READINESS for CX, and then to implement a program to accelerate and maintain their customer experience, sales performance and staff engagement. 

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Accredited Partners - Melbourne, Australia

Colin Wilson, CEO of Key Business Advisors

Key Business Advisors - Taking your Business from Good to Great.

Every business needs to have not just a strong customer focus, but also the right processes, policies and procedures that drive results. Nowadays, it is so easy for customers to search for your competitors and take their business elsewhere should their expectations and demands not be met.


Key Business Advisors partners with businesses of all sizes to achieve business results. Through our methodology, offering a complete solution of business advice, coaching, mentoring, customised sales training programs and Human Resources software and solutions, we take businesses from good to great!

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Accredited Partners - Brisbane, Australia

Alison McGrath, Managing Partner/Author/Customer Culture Expert

Providing Virtual/Outsourced HR Manager and CFO services our focus is:

1. To build one team across all business units through listening, measuring then implementing change. A gradual process to not disrupt day to day work. This leads to a gradual change in culture and a more agile workplace.

2. Ensure what everyone does in the business every day is linked to the strategic goals of the organisation

3. Promote transparency and ongoing communication. This includes touch point conversations with every team member which relate to customer-centric culture.

4. Ensuring the senior management know and understand the numbers. This makes a huge impact on driving the business forward and with it again the transparency to share information with the rest of the team. Setting real strategic goals that everyone is part of.

One team - One Culture - One Goal

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Accredited Partners - Hobart, Australia

Adrian Clark - Principal & Senior HR Consultant

We work with organisations assisting them in taking their awareness to the next level, be it internally or externally. We do it by tapping into your organisations greatest resource, its people.

What are they seeing that you are not? What messages are you delivering to your clients vs what you think you are delivering?

We will bring all of those mix messages together and craft one sound message that can then be rolled out across the organisation. So front of house is saying the same as back of house. Reception staff and the accounts department are just as interested and focused on your customers as your sales team are. Meet with us today.

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